hand painting

hand painting

comic sample 01

comic sample 01
A page sample of a comic strip story.It was made by water colors mixed with inks and hatched by colored pens highlighted by acrylic colors

comic detail

comic detail
This creature was the city gate guard derived from both reptiles and seahorse.

Comic sample 02

Comic sample 02
A page sample of a comic strip story.It was made by water colors mixed with inks and hatched by colored pens

comic detail2

comic detail2
This is the police officer riding a frog with a lobster hands

The third eye

The third eye
This face was made with inks as an under painting and hatched by colored pens finalized by air brush


Detail of a jewel

Detail of the eye

Detail of the eye
Detail of the eye

Detail of the mouse

Detail of the mouse
Detail of the mouse

Albatal Alarky's poster

Albatal Alarky's poster
This poster was made by water colors hatched by colored pens.

detail 01

detail 01
Albatal face detail

Detail 02

Detail 02
Detail of a gate

Illustrated Posters

Illustrated Posters
Illustrated poster for Armageddon Novel.This poster's elements was painted by inks and watercolors hatched by colored pens and scanned Then the whole design was made in Adobe Potoshop.

Detail 01

Detail 01
Detail of The hero's face

Detail 02

Detail 02
The hero's chest


An old study of a landscape painting.Water colors on paper.

Funny portrait 01

Funny portrait 01
President Clinton of USA . water colors and hatched by colored pens

Funny portrait 02

Funny portrait 02
President Boris Yeltsin of Russia . water colors and hatched by colored pens.

Funny portrait 03

Funny portrait 03
Prince Charles of Wales . water colors and hatched by colored pens .

digital painting

digital painting

Book cover

Book cover
Lokemial-houb novel cover was painted digitally in Corel Painter and the cover layout was made in Adobe Potoshop.

cover detail 01

cover detail 01
Cover detail 01

cover detail 02

cover detail 02
Cover detail 02

cover detail 03

cover detail 03
Cover detail 03

A novel book cover

A novel book cover

Digital painted face...

Digital painted face...
This face was Digitally made by Corel painter using Wacom Tablet finalized in Adobe Photoshop.

Detail of the eye

Detail of the eye
Detail of the eye

Detail of the left side

Detail of the left side
Detail of the left side

A portrait

A portrait

Cartoon Face 01

Cartoon Face 01
A cartoon boy face was made in Adobe Photoshop.

Cartoon Face 02

Cartoon Face 02
A cartoon boy face was made in Adobe Photoshop.


Hero Robot Sketch . This sketch was made digitally by Corel Painter using Wacom Tablet.

Brand Identity

Brand Identity

Brand Identity 01

Brand Identity 01
Artique magazine Web site. I created the color theme , the web site front and inner pages designs after i created the logo.

Brand Identity 02

Brand Identity 02
Artique magazine web site inner page header and menu.

Brand Identity 04

Brand Identity 04

Brand Identity 05

Brand Identity 05
H Logic company Logo and new color theme.

Brand Identity 06

Brand Identity 06
Charity organization's logo . And annual calendars

Magazine cover

Magazine cover
"Caricature" The Egyptian Magazine's cover published in 1998 . water colors and hatched by colored pens . It won the geatest prize in the pollution competition organized by the Egyptian Caricature Association.

Caricature drawing samples

Caricature drawing samples
My periodical page in Caricature magazine


Inks .. was published in Caricature Magazine

The New Statue of Liberty

The New Statue of Liberty
Inks ... was published in Caricature Magazine

Smile please

Smile please
Inks .... was published in Caricature Magazine

Common Cold

Common Cold
Inks .... was published in Caricature Magazine

Thursday, June 14, 2007

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carol 2002 said...

رائع رائع رائع
بجد شغلك هايل

أنا بجد سعيده إنى إكتشفت مدونتك الأكثر من رائعه
كل التحيه و التقدير
أقدمها لك

3ali said...

Great blog man

Anonymous said...

انت بجد جامد جدا جدا بس المفروض توسع نفسك اكتر عايزين بجد نسمع عنك فى كل مكان
......... جون اكاسيا

Showreel said...

الله يخليك يا جون باشا ... دا بس من كرمك ... أتمنى والله أعمل زي ما بتقول بس الشغل واخدني جدا جدا